Love From Home

Love From Home started out of frustration. I was looking to buy a rakija bottle in Australia as a Christmas Present in 2020 and I could not find one. I could find almost ever other Balkan country but not my own which deeply saddened me. It was the same sadness I felt when I was getting married and I couldn't buy my Dever a karta for our special day.  It got me thinking surely I am not the only person who has felt like this before. So I acted on it and that is how Love From Home was born.

We are so thankful for the opportunity to bring Macedonian Made products into your homes and hearts. 

All of our products are imported from Macedonia often hand crafted with a technique handed down from generation to generation.

When you buy from Love From Home your buying a Macedonian made product helping the local economy.

Our distribution team is located in Sydney, Australia and here to help you 24/7.

Love From home

Company name: Love From Home PTY LTD

ABN: 38 648 862 257